Supported operating systems

The Kubernetes plugin currently only supports Linux based operating systems. To be more precise, the following distributions are explicitly supported:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • CentOS
  • Fedora
  • Alpine Linux

Supported TOSCA types

All types listed here are can be transform with the Kubernetes plugin. Types not listed will probably not get transformed properly.

Non-normative types

TOSCA Type Transformation behavior
MySQLDBMS Gets mapped to the library/mysql image, Defined TOSCA Properties get set trough environment variables used to configure the image like MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
MySQLDatabase Requires MySQLDBMS as the parent node, Defined Properties get mapped to configuration Environment variables (Just like MySQLDBMS). .sql artifacts get copied into a special directory to be executed once before the application launches (/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/)
Apache Uses the library/php:httpd image (we consider Apache to also contain PHP), installs mysqli if a child has a connection to a MySQL Database / DBMS

Normative Types

TOSCA Type Note
WebApplication considered intermediate
Database considered intermediate
WebServer considered intermediate
DBMS considered intermediate
SoftwareComponent considered intermediate
Java Runtime (TOSCAna custom type) considered intermediate
Java Application (TOSCAna custom type) considered intermediate

What is a intermediate type?

A intermediate type is a type that can be described completely by scripts. To get more information about that read here