Testing Guidelines for the Server module

This document provides some instructions and guidelines describing how tests should be written, the test environment can be setup if the integration folder is not recognised as a source folder

Setting up the Test Environment

Importing the Integration Test folders

Once the project is imported you might have to import the resources directory of the integration source folder using:

Right Click the Directory src/integration/resources -> "Mark Directory as" -> "Test Resource Root"

If the icon of the src/integration/java folder icon is not green, you might also have to add the folder as a Test source folder by doing:

Right Click the Directory src/integration/resources -> "Mark Directory as" -> "Test Sources Root"

Using the Default Run Configurations

We provide some default Run Configurations for IntelliJ Idea to execute tests. These can be found here.

Writing Tests for the Server module


The name of a test case (method) within a class should express the purpose of the test in camel-case as concise as possible.

When using Parameterized tests: Provide a name that contains a short description of the test case. Some examples:

Unit tests

Unit tests belong in the src/test directory. A unit test class should inherit from org.opentosca.toscana.core.BaseUnitTest. If a Spring context is needed use org.opentosca.toscana.core.BaseSpringTest instead.

When Writing a test for a Specific class please name the test like this <Classname>Test. For example if you test the Transformer class the corresponding test should be called TransformerTest. It should also be located within the same package (but in the test folder) as the class that gets tested.

Tests that do not belong to a specific class (or cover a part of a class) should still end with Test.

Integration Tests

Integration tests (and their resources) should be located within the src/integration folder. Please keep in mind that the classpath of the test and ìntegration folders are shared and names should be unique even when the folders get combined.

To write integration tests please inherit from the classes org.opentosca.toscana.core.BaseSpringIntegrationTest for spring related integration tests and org.opentosca.toscana.core.BaseIntegrationTest for integration tests that do not need a Spring context.

If you have a integration test that inherits from a class that's not a child of the two classes described above, use the following annotation on the class definition to make the test class a integration test

import org.opentosca.toscana.IntegrationTest;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;

public class MyIT extends BaseUnitTest {
  //Some Code here

The Naming of tests should follow similar guidelines as for Unit Tests. Instead of Test the classes should end with IT.

Running the Tests using Maven

To only run unit tests execute:

mvn test

To only run the tests of a specific module run:

mvn test -pl <module name>

To only run integration-tests execute:

mvn integration-test -P integration-test -pl server


mvn verify -P integration-test -pl server

To run all tests execute:

mvn verify -P all