Definition CLI Architecture

This document describes the architecture for the CLI component of the TOSCAna Software.

Class Diagram

Class Diagram Note: This diagram was created using LucidChart. The source file can be found here.


The ApiController tries to perform the tasks it receives from the CliController and calls the corresponding methods of the REST API. The methods of the REST API are called through the Retrofit wrapper.

The methods shown in the above class diagram have the following functionality: uploadCsar(file: File):String - trys to upload the specified CSAR Archive to the Transformator deleteCsar(csar: String):String - deletes the specified CSAR Archive from the Transformator listCsar():String - lists all available CSAR Archives on the Transformator, which can be used for a Transformation infoCsar(csar: String):String - shows detailed Information about the specific CSAR Archive startTransformation(csar:String, platform:String):String - starts a Transformation of the passed on CSAR Archive to the specified Platform stopTransformation(csar:String, platform:String):String - stops a currently running Transformation deleteTransformation(csar:String, platform:String):String - deletes an available Transformation from the Transformator downloadTransformation(csar:String, platform:String):String - downloads an available Transformation Artefact from the Transformator listTransformation(csar:String):String lists all available Transformations on the Transformator infoTransformation(csar:String, platform:String):String - shows detailed Information about the specific Transformation logsTransformation(csar:String, platform:String, start:int):String - prints available Logs for the Transformation, starting at the provided start point inputList(csar:String, platform:String):String - returns a list of required inputs that need to be set, before a transformation can start placeInput(csar:String, platform:String, inputs:Map<String,String>):String - Sets the required Inputs, Inputs can be provided manual or from a file with properties like formatting listPlatform():String - lists all Platforms that are available for a Transformation infoPlatform(platform:String):String - shows detailed Information about the specific Platform showStatus():String - shows the current state of the System


The CliMain is the main class to initialize the CLI and show the possible commands, subcommands or options that can be executed in the CLI. After the user has made a correct commandline input, the CliController trys to call the corresponding classes which run the methods. The Picocli framework was used to create the CLI.


The CliProperties class, creates a config file if it doesn't exist and returns the API Url that is used to call the REST API.

Commands Package

The commands package contains several classes and three packages: csar, platform and the transformation package. The packages and classes are mandatory to create the Picocli components of the CLI. ToscanaHelp shows the Help Page of the CLI, ToscanaStatus the status of the System and AbstractCommands contains the Options that are used from most of the classes. For more detailed Information about the commands and subcommands view


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