Getting Started

The web app is a single page application written in TypeScript with Angular 5. If you are new to Angular you can check out the Angular Tour of Heroes it will help you getting started.

Development environment setup


There are two editors that can be recommended:

Both of them have excellent TypeScript and Angular 5 support.

Package manager

This project uses the yarn package manager. It is also possible to use npm.

Angular CLI

The Angular CLI is used to serve and build our web app. It also can be used to create components, services and much more. Read its documentation to check out how it is installed and what else it is feasible of.

CORS Plugin

Since the idea of the web app is to be deployed with the API on the same server you need a plugin that allows cross origin requests.

Get the web app running

Set up the repository

The web app is part of our TOSCAna repository. Therefore you need to clone the whole repository to develop the web app.

git clone

Now you have to install all packages the web app needs to be build.

cd TOSCAna && yarn install

Start the TOSCAna server

If you want to use the web app in production you should start it with the TOSCAna transformer like descriped here. For development this is quite heavy and features like live reload are missing. Therefore you should run the transformer independently.

Set the environment

If the TOSCAna transformer is running, you have to tell the web app its REST API address.

Therefore edit app/src/environment/environment.ts.

export const environment = {
    production: false,
    apiUrl: 'http://localhost:8084'

Change the apiUrl to the URL of the transformer REST API:

If you change the the deployment with the rest of the stack won't work.

Serve the web app

In the app root folder run:

yarn start

You now can view the web app in your browser at this address: http://localhost:4200.