Build the CLI from Source

Steps to build the TOSCAna Command Line Interface from source:

  1. Clone the project.

    git clone

  2. Enter the TOSCAna directory.

    cd TOSCAna/cli

  3. Build the project with:

    mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

  4. You can find the generated jar file cli-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar in the cli/target folder.


How to use TOSCAna CLI:

  1. Create an Alias toscana on Unix Systems or an Doskey toscana on Windows Systems for easier usage:

    Unix: alias toscana="java -jar $(readlink -f cli-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar)"

    Windows: doskey toscana=java -jar cli-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar $*

  2. You can now use the TOSCAna CLI with the commands below.

    toscana [<available commands>]

CLI Basics

The main tasks of the CLI are: - parse and call the commands - call the methods to transform a given topology to a custom platform - show current status of transformation/ deployment - print detailed logs for the transformation if wanted - show supported platforms

Supported Commands, Subcommands and Options

Every command and subcommand has these options available: -v or --verbose and -m or --moreverbose, parameters of commands are represented as <name>. Some other available options are: -c or --csar, -f or --file, -p or --platform and -t or --transformation, in the table below you can see where which of these commands is accepted.

If you set the Alias toscana, you have to type toscana and then the command(s) before you can call a command or subcommand. At the end of the Document an example usage of the CLI for platform information is shown.

Options explanation: - csar: specifies a CSAR which is available - file: specifies a file that should be used or uploaded - platform: which platform is needed for operation - transformation: short version for input of csar and platform, csar and platform are seperated with a /, therefore slash is not allowed in both parameters - verbose: enable some output about what is processed - moreverbose: enables even more detailed output what is processed

Command Description
csar show csar usage and all available subcommands
csar upload -f <csarpath> uploads a specific CSAR Archive to the Transformator
csar list shows a list of all available CSARs on the Transformator
csar info -c <csarname> shows detailed Informations for the specified CSAR
csar delete -c <csarname> deletes the specific CSAR from the Transformator
help [<command>] [<subcommand>] prints the usage page for specified command or subcommand
input -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or input -t <csarname/platformname> returns all required Inputs that need to be set, before a transformation can be started
input -c <csarname> -p <platformname> <key/value> or input -t <csarname/platformname> <key=value> manual setting of inputs with style notation, = not allowed in the inputs
input -c <csarname> -p <platformname> -f <filepath> or input -t <csarname/platformname> -f <filepath> setting the inputs with a provided file, format of each line in the file: key="value"
platform show platform usage and all available subcommands
platform list shows a list of all for Transformation available Platforms
platform info -p <platformname> shows detailed Informations for the specified Platform
status shows the current state of the System
transformation show transformation usage and all available subcommands
transformation start -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or transformation start -t <csarname/platformname> start a Transformation for the specific CSAR to the wanted Platform
transformation stop -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or transformation stop -t <csarname/platformname> stops the specified currently running Transformation
transformation list -c <csarname> shows a list of all available Transformations of the specified CSAR
transformation info -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or transformation info -t <csarname/platformname> shows detailed Informations for the specified Transformation
transformation logs -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or transformation logs -t <csarname/platformname> shows logs created while running the transformation
transformation download -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or transformation download -t <csarname/platformname> downloads the specific Transformation Artifact
transformation delete -c <csarname> -p <platformname> or transformation delete -t <csarname/platformname> deletes the specific Transformation from the Transformator

Known Issues

  • some Exceptions after wrong CLI inputs are not caught and displayed (options not supplied where it's needed)
  • after setting inputs, the list of inputs that need to be set does not update
  • after setting all required inputs and trying to start the transformation again, Error 400 Transformation already exists occurs
  • fails when running with Maven.

Example Usage

Class Diagram

Note: Example usage of the CLI for Platform Information

Change API Endpoint

After you executed the CLI at least once, a config file named can be found in the created toscana folder. There you can change the API Endpoint to fit your provided REST API Endpoint.

The folder can be found for Unix Systems at: $HOME/.config/toscana/

For Windows Systems at: $HOME/AppData/toscana/ If you can't find the folder on Windows, enter %appdata% in the explorer directory field or cd %appdata% in the Command Line and move from Roaming one folder level back to AppData.


Copyright (c) 2017 University of Stuttgart.

All rights reserved. Made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and the Apache License v2.0 which both accompany this distribution.