
Most of the services are wrappers around the by swagger-codegen auto-generated services.


The ClientCsarsService is responsible for all operations that have to do with CSARs. It uses RxJS to provide changes and new CSARs to all Components that are interested in.

How can a component use the ClientCsarsService:

Add the service to the constructor:

constructor(csarService: ClientCsarsService){

Get the Observable:

constructor(csarService: ClientCsarsService){
    let observable = csarService.csars;

Then subscribe and handle incoming csars:

constructor(csarService: ClientCsarsService){
    let observable = csarService.csars;
    observable.subscribe(csars => {

The body of subscribe() is always called if there are new CSARs.


Most of the methods in the ClientTransformationsService are just wrapping the methods of the auto-generated transformations service. This was necessary to avoid refactoring the whole web app if the REST API changes.


The RouteHandler uses like the ClientCsarsService RxJS to notify subscribers about a new view state.

Here are some examples how the RouteHandler can be used:

Open the TransformationCreator:

this.routeHandler.openTransformationView("lamp-input", "kubernets");

Listen on view changes:

this.routeHandler.viewState.subscribe(viewState => {
    if(viewState instanceof TransformationOpen) {
        // do somethings that has to be done if the TransformationView is opened


The MessageService uses like the ClientCsarsService and the RouteHandler RxJS to notify the MessageComponent about new messages.


The HealthService exists because the auto-generated API bindings failed to provide a working health service.


The ClientPlatformsService loads all platforms once and holds them in memory. This avoids loading the platforms every time they are needed.