Default node behavior

The default behavior gets implemented by the intermediate node types such as SoftwareComponent. This behavior will look at the standard lifecycle operations. If all of them are present they are added in the following order into the Dockerfile:

  1. create
  2. configure
  3. start

The scripts and their dependencies for each phase get copied into the Dockerfile, the corresponding properties get set as environment variable, and the command gets executed (create and configure)

The start script does not get executed during the building process. It gets copied just like all other scripts.
Environment variables also get set normally, however the script will not get executed using a RUN command. Instead, it will be added to the entrypoint list that is responsible to run the start commands once the container gets created.

Custom node behavior

NOTE: All current implementations of the custom node only work this way if they do not feature a custom standard lifecycle. If they have one, we refer to the default behavior.


We assume that Apache always comes with PHP, that is the reason why we use the library/php:httpd image. Furthermore we expect that all child nodes (WebApplications) have a create or configure script that copies the contents to the /var/www folder. These scripts are executed as root user.

MySQL (including Database)

MySQL defaults to the library/mysql:latest image. The predefined properties are taken (such as root password) and set as configuration environment variables.
If a child database contains a .sql artifact, the file will be copied in a special directory that is executed when starting the container.

Java Runtime and Application

The java runtime and application types will use the library/openjdk image by default. The jar defined in the JavaApplication node template will be copied into the Dockerfile (including its dependencies).
A java -jar <JAR_FILE> command is triggered to launch the application.